
Environmental Observations

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Thursday, February 8, 2007

Reusable Shopping Bags

I have written on previous posts about how I always (well nearly always) use my reusable shopping bag when I go out. When I mentioned this to my grandmother, she just rolled her eyes and said that she'd been a "green" in this particular way since the 1930s. I guess that these sort of bags were (and maybe still are) the norm for older people, but younger generations are used to having plastic bags to put their plastic bags in.

I recently had to virtually fight with a shop assisstant to prevent them from putting my newspaper in a plastic bag. The assisstant looked at me like I was mad.

I hate plastic bags!

However, Jon and Shawn have taken this to another level with Plastic Bags are the Devil.com. They are attempting to increase awareness of the problem of plastic bags by selling stylish, reusable canvas bags. No doubt they are intending to make a bit of money for themselves as well, and why not? If there is one thing that has the potential to bring environmental ideas to a mass audience, it is the power of the economy - most people seem to live their lives by it. Not only will using a canvas bag benefit the environment in terms of reduced waste and carbon emissions, but $5 of the price of these bags will be donated to The Conservation Fund. If plastic bags are the devil, then perhaps canvas bags can be our saviour?

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