
Environmental Observations

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

There are many people who support conservation in principal but are not sufficiently motivated to participate themselves or to question polititians about what they are doing. A number of conservation bodies of a variety of types have come up with a way in which these people are able to actively support conservation; by adopting an animal. In these schemes, one does not actually take an animal into ones home like an adopted child, rather a payment is made to the conservation charity who then send information about the adopted animal and usually supply regular updates. the money they recieve for this goes directly towards the conservation of this particualr animal and the organistaion's conservation work in general. I have made a page on Squidoo.com listing a large number of available animal adoptions for conservation: Adopt Animals for Conservation.

Please take a look at this list and see if there is an animal or charity that you would consider supporting.
This blog is purely designed to provide me with a device to moan, groan, gripe and waffle about environmental issues; any interest it may have to others is completely coincidental.